Our Story- How It All Started

To make a 28 year long story short, I used to be sick alot. Ever since I can remember I was allergic to everything. I had asthma. I got sinus and ear infections non-stop. I had severe eczema since infancy. I was a super skinny kid who had random bouts of severe diarrhea and constipation, then got fat after I got older and started having babies. I thought it was normal. It WAS my normal. I got really sick, and my doctors seemed to have no idea why. I got sick of being sick and decided I was going to have to figure it out. So the research began…along the way, I not only healed myself but also my daughter who was diagnosed with Autism at age 2. Here is more about that:


Paleo has changed our lives in so many ways, I’ll try to mention them along the way. I love it. It’s delicious, easy, and makes me look good while it makes me feel good 🙂 There is no down side I have found (unless you insist on whining, but then you can always find a down side, can’t you?) This is our N=1 and I hope you try it out for yourself.